Housatonic Model Yacht Club Constitution



Middlebury, Connecticut

AMYA #117


Revised 2017


The Housatonic Model Yacht Club (HMYC) was organized in Stratford, Connecticut in October 1983 and was sanctioned into the American Model Yacht Association (AMYA Club No. 117) on November 18, 1983.



The name of the Club shall be the HOUSATONIC MODEL YACHT CLUB, herein referred to as HMYC.


The HMYC is devoted to promoting the designing, building, racing, and preservation of all model sailing yachts. We pursue these goals by sailing certain classes of model yachts, hosting model yacht regattas, recognizing other local model yacht clubs, publishing a club newsletter, and promoting model yachting in general. Any operating model sailboat enthusiast will benefit by joining the HMYC and meeting others with the same interests.

ARTICLE III Membership:

The membership shall consist of two (2) classes: ACTIVE and ASSOCIATE

ARTICLE IV Government:

The officers of the Club shall consist of, Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary and a Treasurer. The general management and control of affairs, funds and property of the Club shall be vested in these officers.

ARTICLE V Amendments:

Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by majority vote of the active membership in good standing attending a regular or special meeting.

Section 2: The proposed amendment in writing and advanced notice of the meeting (regular or special) shall be sent to each active member at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

ARTICLE VI Parliamentary Authority

The rules of parliamentary practice set forth in “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern all proceedings of this organization, subject to any special rules which have been or may be herein after adopted.


CHAPTER I Meetings

Section 1: The regular meeting of the Club shall be held in the fall or winter, prior to the start of the next season but after the election of new officer. Additional meetings shall be called by Commodore as required.

Section 2: Each member shall be notified by the Secretary of all regular and special meetings, and the object of each special meeting, at least fourteen (14) days in advance.

Section 3: A quorum consisting of 30% of the voting members in good standing must be present at the meeting, and must include at least two (2) flag officers.

Section 4: Order of Business:

1. Roll call of officers and members.

2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.

3. Report of the Secretary.

4. Report of the Treasurer.

5. Unfinished business (includes reports of committees).

6. New business.

7. Closing Remarks

8. Adjournment

CHAPTER II Election of Officers

Section 1: The Commodore shall, by November 1 select a nominating committee, and a chairman thereof, for the purpose of nominating new officers at the Annual Awards Banquet. Where there is any doubt concerning any proposed officer, the nominating committee shall have a second name available before the meeting.

Section 2: The annual election of officers shall take place at the Annual Awards Banquet.

Section 3: Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Annual Awards Banquet by members in good standing.

Section 4: Officers shall be elected by ballot when there is more than one candidate for the same office, and a majority of voting members in good standing present shall be necessary to constitute a choice. When there is only one candidate for office the Secretary shall cast one affirmative vote for the entire active membership present at the meeting.

Section 5: The officers of the Club shall serve for one year, from the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected, until the adjournment of the meeting at which a new election is held. There shall be no limit on the number of terms that can be served.

Section 6: The Commodore may appoint a member in good standing to a vacancy of any unexpired position.

CHAPTER III Duties of Commodore

Section 1: It shall be the duty of the Commodore to direct the movement of the fleet, to preside over all meetings and to enforce the Constitution and By Laws.

Section 2: The Commodore may call special meetings of the Club.

Section 3: The Commodore shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 4: The Commodore shall set the race schedule for the upcoming season at the yearly HMYC meeting and publish such schedule prior to beginning of the racing season.

Section 5: The Commodore shall be a member of AMYA, schedule the next years Regatta’s and publish such schedule prior to the beginning of the racing season, including furnishing this scheduling to the AMYA secretary for publication.

Section 6: The Commodore shall appoint Fleet Captains as necessary.

Section 7: The Commodore shall be responsible for, obtaining help as required, publishing a Club Newsletter to keep the membership informed of all club races, regattas and Club news and notices.

Section 8: The Commodore and Club officers shall approve all expenditures necessary for operation of the club.

CHAPTER IV Duties of Vice Commodore

Section 1: The Vice Commodore shall assist in the discharge of the Commodore’s duties and officiate in the Commodore’s absence.

Section 2: The Vice Commodore shall coordinate Race Director Duties through the Fleet Captains for each of the races, for the racing season, once the schedule is prepared.

Section 3: The Vice Commodore shall be responsible for obtaining from the Fleet Captains, results and news of the races as directed by the Commodore.

Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Vice Commodore to obtain from the Fleet Captains signed waivers from all skippers if not on file, and furnish these to the Secretary.

CHAPTER V Duties of Rear Commodore

Section 1: The Rear Commodore shall officiate by default in the absence of Commodore or Vice Commodore.

Section 2: Oversee meetings when Commodore and Vice Commodore are not available.

Section 3: Provide advice and assistance in club activities as required based on past experience.

CHAPTER VI Duties of Secretary

Section 1: To keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Club in a book provided for that purpose.

Section 2: To keep a book with a roll of all members’ names and addresses, showing date of admission and all dues collected.

Section 3: To supervise the maintenance of a file of yacht registrations for each active yacht in the fleet.

Section 4: To supervise the maintenance of a file of assigned and available radio frequencies for each member.

Section 5: To notify each member in advance of upcoming meetings, or provide such information for publication.

Section 6: To keep on file all documents, records, reports, member’s waivers and communications connected with the business of the Club.

Section 7: In case of inability on the part of the Secretary to attend a meeting, the necessary books and papers shall be conveyed to the place of the meeting in due time for the transaction of business.

Section 8: To see to it that all new members receive a packet consisting of:

1. A copy of the Constitution/By-Laws of HMYC.

2. Membership Card.

3. Club Roster (names, addresses, phone #, active yachts and radio frequencies).

4. Race schedule.

CHAPTER VII Duties of the Treasurer

Section 1: Treasurer will collect all monies due the Club for accounting purposes and pay out monies for expenditures as authorized by the Club Officers.

Section 2: Treasurer will notify all members who have not paid their dues as of March 1st until such time as the debt is cleared or the person ceases to be a member.

Section 3: Treasurer will make a report at each meeting of all receipts and disbursements and of the amount of money then remaining on hand and on deposit in the bank.

Section 4: In case of inability on the part of the Treasurer to attend a meeting, the necessary books and papers shall be conveyed to the place of the meeting in due time for the transaction of business.

CHAPTER VIII Duties of members

Section 1: It is the duty of members to attend regular and special meetings.

Section 2: Members are encouraged to participate in races and regattas as skippers.

Section 3: Members will be assigned to serve as Race Director, buoy steward, score keeper, or on protest committees at races and regattas.

Section 4: Members shall set up the race course buoys, the pit area, and other details as needed at races and regattas as directed.

Section 5: Notify the Secretary of boat registrations and radio frequencies used.

Section 6: Members are responsible for the protection of Club property and facilities being used.

Section 7: The action and deed of each member should be such as to preserve and promote model sail boating, maintain personal conduct in a sportsmanlike manner and maintain the good standing and reputation of the HMYC.

CHAPTER IX Committees

Section 1: There shall be no standing committees. Committees shall be formed from members appointed by the Commodore.

CHAPTER X Membership

Section 1 Any person who owns a registered boat in one of the classes raced in our regular season series is eligible for active membership. Exception to the ownership requirement may be made by a majority vote of club officers. Any person under the age of 16 must submit parental (guardian) consent in writing before membership can be considered.

Section 2: Any person, who cannot commute to and from the home port site because of distance or other valid incapacity and cannot sail, is eligible for Associate Membership.

Section 3: A membership application form, including waiver of Club responsibility for any and all accidents, shall be signed and provided to the Secretary.


Section 1: Active membership requires annual dues, in advance, of between $10.00 and $ 25.00 depending on cash requirements for a given calendar year.

Section 2: Associate membership dues are $ 5.00 annually.

CHAPTER XII Indebtedness to the Club

Section 1: A member in debt to the Club, in any amount, either by non-payment of dues or from any other cause, is not in good standing.

Section 2: Members shall be in good standing with the Club to start in a Club race.

Section 3: Annual dues are payable after the Annual Meeting and prior to April 1st. Any member, whose dues remain unpaid as of April 1st shall be considered as having resigned, will no longer appear on the Club roster nor receive further communication from the Club. Participation in Club races will not be allowed.

CHAPTER XIII Sportsmanship

Section 1 Prolonged verbal arguments, verbal abuse, foul language and unnecessary shouting regarding an incident will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with by a penalty.

Section 2 The penalty for the above infractions will be determined by one or more officers at the day’s event. The officers have the authority to penalize without a hearing a competitor who breaks any of the above rules, and may issue any of the following penalities. Their decision is final.

a) Verbal warning

b) Sit out the next race and scored a DNR. (NOT TO USED AS THROW OUT)

c) Disqualify the competitor for the remainder of the day’s event.

CHAPTER XIV Discipline

Section 1: Any member may be placed on probation or expelled for cause after:

a) The member and the Club Officers have been notified by the Secretary in writing 14 days in advance of any special or regularly scheduled meeting that such action has been recommended, and;

b) The member shall be offered the opportunity to be heard at such meeting, and;

c) A majority of voting members in good standing present at such meeting vote in favor of the recommendation.

Section 2: Probation shall last for one year unless otherwise stated.

Section 3: A member on probation no longer has voting rights. If a member remains on probation for two consecutive years, the racing events participated in by this member shall not count towards the season’s points.

Section 4: A member on probation may be restored to voting membership after:

a) The Club Officers recommend such action, and;

b) The member on probation is notified of such recommendation 14 days in advance of any special or regularly scheduled meeting, and;

c) A majority of voting members in good standing present at such meeting, in person or by proxy, vote in favor of the recommendation.


Section 1: Active members in good standing only shall be allowed to vote.

Section 2: Voting by proxy will be permitted only in the case of amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws.

CHAPTER XVI Amendments

Section 1: Constitution and By-Laws may be amended only by a majority vote.